Friday 6 June 2008

For the Sheer Excitement....

I think you should listen to John Cage's Four Minutes and Thirty-Three Seconds.
It is absolutely amazing and well worth a listen.
I wish I could play it but it takes an awful amount of talent!!

PS. You will be surprised. If you hear it please tell me what you think. It's a world famous piece and has been performed to millions. It was first performed in 1952.

And for the record, I scored a basket in a basket ball game yesterday!!! How amazing.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

One Exam Left and Basketball!!

All my exams so far have been ok though.
I had a one-to-one with my theatre studies teacher today and she said "you've got nothing to worry about" for the next exam - phew!
Least the exam is after half term so I can prepare a bit more during the holidays!

I keep playing basketball with my friends at the moment. It's quite good but today my team (I was team captain!!) lost twice. Odell (one of my best friend's) team won twice. So I was quite annoyed!! (Not really! lol!)
It's funny playing basketball because half the time we break the rules plus we only use half a court. Some of the teachers stand outside watching us at break times (smiling and laughing!!) Least we are keeping fit! Today, I also played football which we also broke the rules in. All the boys didn't give us the football and we (myself and Odell) didn't really want to tackle because we didn't want to hurt ourselves. The boys I am sure were incorporating rugby techniques into the game!?
It was quite funny though. Some of the boys are quite good! Then they (the boys) had an argument over Chelsea and Manchester United (whether one was better than another!) One of my other friends who loves football supports Telford and while there was a big argument over Chelsea and Manchester United I whispered "Beth supports Telford!!" We all started laughing including Beth and that was the end of the argument. Bizaare!!

What is happening to me? I never liked sport at all now I love playing with Odell and the lads!

One Exam Left

Sunday 6 April 2008


We haven't added to this blog for ages!!

We went to Ulverston over the Easter holidays while the kitchen was being done...

Here are a few photos (see if you can spot the snow on the mountains!!)

Fell Foot.

Jonathan rolled eggs down Hoad Hill on Easter Monday.

Another couple of photos of Fell Foot...

Jonathan cooking...

The Finished products...

We went to the RAF Cosford Museum which was really interesting and guess who were there....


Maybe the one above isn't so scary!

I wasn't too sure about the huge planes... luckily Doctor Who a.k.a Jonathan was there...

This vehicle was used in snowy places...

It was a great day out... those daleks get everywhere!

Saturday 26 January 2008

London & Birmingham. By Christina.

It's been an extremely busy week for me.
First of all on Tuesday evening I went to Birmingham Symphony Hall to watch a world famous pianist called Kissin (He's German.) and there was a famous russian conductor, I cannot remember his name! The whole orchestra was amazing!! I think that was the first time that I had seen a proper orchestra live!

I also went to London yesterday which was absolutely amazing! We went to the Royal Opera House to watch a schools matinee of "The Magic Flute". The woman who played the Queen of the Night had a breath-taking voice, I've never heard such a great singer. The orchestra again was really really good. I will post a picture of the Royal Opera House sign soon.

I walked down Drury Lane!! I will never forget that moment- seeing the "Drury Lane" sign!!! We also walked past the theatre which is doing "The Lord of the Rings"! How cool is that?

This afternoon I am going to the Town Centre with a couple of friends which should be good.

Sunday 20 January 2008

First Blog of the Year by Christina.

I haven't wrote anything on here for ages!
Well we all had a great Christmas and spent new year in Ulverston which was cool.
I've started back back at college again and I've sat 2 AS Level module exams which were English Language and Sociology. I think I did well!!
Jonathan is doing well at school.
I will put some recent pictures/photos up later.

Thursday 15 November 2007

Presentation Evening.

I collected my GCSE certificates tonight and I won the Music trophy!!!
I am so pleased with myself!
It just proves to my old music teacher...


I am so happy!!

Grade 4 piano exam tomorrow!